Friday, February 29, 2008

EPSON STYLUS Scan 2500 printer service manual

This service manual describes basic functions, theory of electrical and mechanical operations, maintenance and repair procedures of EPSON STYLUS Scan 2500. The instructions and procedures included herein are intended for the experienced repair technicians, and attention should be given to the precautions on the preceding page. The chapters are organized as follows:

Table contents of this
EPSON STYLUS Scan 2500 printer service manual

  1. Product Description
  2. Operating Principles
  3. Troubleshooting
  4. Disassembly & Assembly
  5. Adjustment
  6. Maintenance
  7. Appendix
You can download Here :

service manual describes basic functions, theory of electrical and mechanical operations, maintenance and repair procedures of the printer. The instructions and procedures included herein are intended for the experienced repair technicians, and attention should be given to the precautions on the preceding page.

Table of contents this
EPSON Stylus Pro 7600 and 9600 Printer Service Manual
  1. Product Descriptions
  2. Operating Principles
  3. Troubleshooting
  4. Disassembly/Assembly
  5. Adjustment
  6. Maintenance
  7. Appendix

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pedoman Reset Ink Tank Full Error Canon IP1200 dan IP1600

Pedoman Reset Ink Tank Full Error Canon IP1200 dan IP1600

Tahap Pertama (Reset Hardware)
1. Matikan printer, lalu cabut kabel power.
2. Tekan dan tahan tombol Power (gunakan jari telunjuk untuk menahan tombolpower).

3. Pasang kembali kabel Power.
4. Gunakan jari tengah untuk menekan tombol Resume sebanyak 2 kali.
5. Lepaskan jari telunjuk anda dari tombol Power.
6. Anda telah menyelesaikan tahap pertama untuk reset Ink Tank Full Error (lampu
power berkedip-kedip).
Tahap Kedua (Reset Software) agar Permanen
1. Download IP1200 & 1600 Resetter dari sini
2. Ekstrak / Unrar di folder C:\IP1200
3. Pastikan attribut semua file bebas dari Read Only.
4. Jalankan GeneralTool.exe
5. Pada USB Port pilih Port printer anda.
6. Pilih (centang) EEPROM CLEAR
7. Sediakan kertas kosong untuk print. Lalu Klik tombol Test Pattern 1
8. Selesai Printer IP1200 dan IP1600 anda normal kembali.

Berikut jenis-jenis Software Reset printer sesuai dengan jenis printer yang
akan di reset. Biasanya satu Software Reset bisa di gunakan untuk beberapa jenis
printer. Seperti yang terlampir di bawah ini
1. RESETTER CANON iP1700, iP1300, ip6600, iP6000, iP6210, iP220D, mP830
2. RESETTER CANON iP1200, iP1600, iP2200, iP4200, iP5200, mP150
3. SOFTWARE RESETTER CANON i250, i255, i320, i350, i355
Support untuk jenis-jenis printer :

CX-4600,CX-5300,CX-5100, RX420, RX425, RX620, R1800, C50, C60, C61, C62, C20/C40,
C43, C45, C41, C46, C65, C85,C86,CX-3600,CX-6600,R800,SC-740, RX600, Stylus400,
440, 480LPT, 480SXU/580, Stylus600, 640, 660, 670, 680/777, 740, 760, 800/850,
860, 880, 900/EM-900C, 980, 1160, 1520, 3000, C63, C64, C70, C80, C82, C83/C84,
C85/C86, CX3100/3200, Cx3600, CX5200, CX5400, CX6400, Photo EX, Photo700/IP-100,
750/PM-770c, 780/790, 810/820, 825/915, 830/830U, 870/PM-875DC, R200/210, R300,
R800, RX500, RX600, 890, 895/785EPX, 900, 925/934, 950/PM-950C, 1200/PM-3000C,
1270/PM-3300C, 1290,2200/PM-4000EPX, 5000/PM-5000

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